Moving to Minnesota – The next Amy and Brian adventure!

On Tuesday August 12th, the truck and trailer were rented and the loading began! The first site was in Englewood, where Amy and Brian loaded the “southern” portion of their belongings. They put Brian’s white Honda on the trailer and then drove the truck and Suburu Outback to Boulder for the second load. Helpers in the south were P. J., Alan, Helen, and of course Amy and Brian.

In Boulder, we loaded mostly items that had been in storage for the last 3 years and it filled all the lower part of the truck. We were glad when it was done. Janet and Ken joined all the other movers (except P.J.) and Carrie and Tobey supervised. After we finished loading we had a birthday celebration for Janet and a sendoff dinner for the moving couple.

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<p>Picture during loading in Boulder</p>

Picture of Amy and Brian in the back of the truck after loading was finished!

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<p>Saying Goodbye!</p>
Amy and Brian stayed overnight Tuesday night in Boulder.<br />
After a quick breakfast and a Starbuck’s run, we left about 8:30 for Concordia, KS.  A couple of things had been forgotten in Englewood, so Amy and Janet took the Suburu to pick them up, and Brian and Ken drove the truck to Limon where we met.  We had FRS radios for communication between vehicles.<br />
The truck was a 24 foot Ryder, with a full trailer for the Honda.  It was not a rig that we wanted to back up – so we mainly stopped in truck stops.  The truck used diesel fuel and could not fit by a normal auto gas pump.  We learned all about the real truck side of truck stops.  </p>
<p>We stopped for lunch in Colby and ordered more Starbucks.  We got off I-70 at Colby and started on Highway 24.  It went well until we encountered a detour at Osbourn.  At one point on the detour, we encountered another truck that had overturned.  The Highway Patrol was directing traffic single file to get around the trailer truck that was sticking out into our lane.  We got around it ok – but it was close. </p>
<p>We got to Concordia, KS just before the Ice Cream Social was about to close.  But we got some ice cream and pie as the start of our “backwards” meal.  Chuck, LeAnn, and Sam drove up from Salina and joined us on Thursday.</p>
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