GRABAAWR pre-day 1

The pictures for this can be found at

Day 1 2006 GRABAAWR
We gathered in Lafayette, CO at 6:30am to head towards Wisconsin for this years GRABAAWR.
Ready to go!

We had 4 cars and 8 people. Jensen’s, Hinks, Burkley’s, Robin and me(ken). We took our first rest stop in CO just before we crossed over into NE.(Brush?) It was nice and cool and slightly overcast with periodic sprinkles. The first hard rain was as we crossed into NE. We stopped in Paxton, NE at Olie’s (sp) for an early lunch (late breakfast). The table by the African Elephant was occupied so we had to settle for a group picture by the giraffe. The weather turned warmer and drier as we headed east but was still very nice.

We split up at exit 432 on I-80 and Robin and the Burkley’s went on into Omaha to pick up Martha who had flown in from Annapolis to join us for the ride. We met up in Blair at John’s “younger” brother Mick and Gail’s house for appetizers and then headed to a “local flavor” tavern for dinner. The featured entre was catfish.

John seemed to know everyone there (or everyone there knew John) I am using a different computer than normal and it doesn’t have the camera driver for downloading my pictures – so hopefully I will be able to add them later.

Tomorrow we are meeting at the Blair Maple cafe for breakfast at 7:00am and then will be on our way to Prairie du Chien to register for the ride.

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