Steamboat 2010 Day 3

After watching the balloons launch again this morning we breakfasted and headed for the wooden bridge over the Yampa and turned south on Highway 14. We originally were planning to go to the Red Schoolhouse and back which would have been a 25 mile ride. But once we got out on the road we decided to go by Stagecoach Reservoir and then on to Oak Creek for lunch. We were joined there by Janet, Patti, Gail and by the new arrivals Nick and Martha who were delayed by a family wedding and will join us on our bike rides. Mick and Janelle rode back with the car and missed the last 20 miles. So it was a total of 44 miles of riding today with some good climbs and no gravel roads. The ride back up to the house seems to get harder with each day – not sure why. Tomorrow we have a two segment ride planned but since we seem to change the plans while in progress – I will say more tomorrow.
For dinner tonight we ordered takeout BBQ ribs and chicken with all the fixins – delish.
Beautiful sunset tonight and we were entertained at dinner by a young raccoon raiding the bird feeder.

Highway 14 Day 3

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