Zydeco Day 7 – Eunice to Scott – 38 miles – Final day of ride

Because Eunice is further away from Lafayette – we boarded the shuttle bus at 7:30am. It took about an hour to get there. We got underway a little before 9:00am. We had a mix of roads today – some were very good and some were very bad. We could make good time on the good roads but not on the bad. Also on the “substandard” roads (there was actually a sign that said that) we couldn’t ride without complete focus on finding the smoothest path and avoiding potholes and so it was impossible to enjoy the scenery we were riding by. We saw lots of fields planted with sugar cane, rice paddies, and sometimes crayfish ponds combined with rice paddies. The ride today was very flat with the exception of a bridge over Interstate 10 near Scott. The rest stops today were placed well – about every 10 miles or so. At the end of the ride was the Boudin Festival – which is a very good local sausage. Some people had sausage and others had jambalaya. The end of the ride was about 4 miles from the hotel – so we worked out a way to get ourselves and our bikes back to the hotel.

After showering we headed north to Opelousas to have dinner with JoAnn’s sister and her husband, and one of JoAnn’s brothers who lives in Metairie LA (near New Orleans). They used the occasion to celebrate JoAnn’s birthday which is coming up later in April. Happy Birthday JoAnn!

Tomorrow we head to Vacherie, LA for lunch and then on to New Orleans for two days.

Waiting in a cold lobby for the 7:30am shuttle to Eunice

Scott Welcome Ladies

Festival Music venue

In front of the bike corral

Enjoying catching up with JoAnn’s relatives

Ready for a wonderful dinner at JoAnn’s sisters house

Birthday girl and siblings

JoAnn’s Birthday cake

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