Bile Colorado 2011 – Day 3

We had planned to start Day 3 at the top of Vail Pass and ride to Glenwood Springs. When we got to the top of Vail Pass it was 39 degrees and raining. So we went on down to East Vail where it was warmer and not raining (that hard) while we got ready to start. As soon as we began it started raining again. We almost made it through Vail Village and Rick had a flat. Some of the “wet Vail” pictures were taken at that time. Near Minturn his new tube needed some more air. We continued on to Avon in the rain and after riding only 15 miles decided we weren’t having much fun yet and decided to break for lunch in Avon. Gary had an afternoon meeting in Boulder so John took him back to his car after lunch. We weighed our options since the weather didn’t look much better and decided to drive to Glenwood Springs and ride up Glenwood Canyon from our motel. We did that in sunshine and warm weather and got in another 17 miles. We would have done more but the canyon bike path was closed at the Shoshone Power plant for repairs from last springs flooding. It was a good day overall.
We were joined by Patti and Robin, and Dick and JoAnn for dinner at the Italian Underground. It took a while to get a table for 9 people – but it was great food. I didn’t do a very good job of getting pictures – but I did get some.
Tomorrow the plan is to ride from Carbondale to Aspen. It is also supposed to rain. So – Stay tuned.

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