Kelli and Josh Wedding 3/20/2004 – Norfolk NE

Josh and Kelli Wedding 3/20/2004

These first pictures are at the rehearsal the night before the wedding.
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Getting Gram set for her reading

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Tobey gets to meet Kelli at the rehearsal dinner.

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The Matthews, Thomson, Switzer table

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Dave Funk and his sisters

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Great grandchildren talking with Gramp on wedding morning

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Taylor and Tristen teaching Tobey new tricks

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Amy and Brian ready for the wedding!

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Josh and JoAnn in a pre-wedding picture

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Lacey-Funk Family at the pre-wedding pictures

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JoAnn and Susie

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Josh and Kelli leaving the church – They just got married!

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Gram, Amy, Janet, Debbi, and Taylor at the reception

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Cake from Josh’s newspaper

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The big cake! It was delicious.
This was a partial selection of pictures at Josh and Kelli’s wedding weekend.

Tobey Overnight 2/7/2004

Pictures from Tobey Overnight in Boulder 2/7/2004

Tobey and Twizler stayed overnight with us again on Saturday February 7th. Alan and Carrie went to Estes Park to recharge! Tobey slept through the night and was a happy baby. His new trick (which I didn’t get a picture of) was walking behind a baby walker.

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Watching TV while riding NeNe with Grammy

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Reading a book with Gramps

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Making sure the sound is just right on the stereo

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My favorite TV watching position!

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I love to bounce up and down and make noises

Tobey and Ashley! 1/31/2004

Picture info for 1/31/2004 Tobey and Ashley
We baby sat for Tobey while Alan and Carrie had a workout at the Rec Center.
Before we left, we got to see Ashley looking beautiful in her Winter Dance dress.

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Tobey playing with flash cards!

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The whole family are Nuggets Fans!

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Tobey playing on a bug!

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Playing with Carrie! (Note the Nuggets clothing!)

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Ashley in her beautiful Winter Dance dress!

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With shoes and toenail polish to match!

Marcia visit and Tobey’s 2nd overnight in Boulder

The first set of pictures are from January 1st and 3rd. Marcia (a cousin of Janet’s and John’s)
visited us from South Carolina. The pictures are all from near or at Winter Park.

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Janet and Marcia at Hank and Kathy’s house

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Janet Marcia and John

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John and Gail

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Val, Jim, Gail, John, Kathy, and Hank

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Kathy, Gail, and John at lunch at Winter Park

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Kathy, Gail, John, and Marcia at lunch at Winter Park

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Marcia on the slopes

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Ken, Marcia, and John

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Marcia and John

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Hank, Marcia, and John

The next 2 pictures are at Alan and Carrie’s house
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Alan, Twiz, Carrie, Tobey, and Ashley

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Alan, Twiz, Carrie, Tobey, and Ashley

The next set of pictures are from Tobey’s second overnight in Boulder on Saturday January 10th 2004.
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Tobey with kneepads

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Tobey riding Ne Ne and watching a baby Einstein video with Gramps help

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Tobey crawling on Gramps back for a better view

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Grammy reading to Tobey before bedtime

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Checking out Twiz’s toy “Squiddy”

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I am very happy!

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Why are you bugging me (The scrunched up nose is a trademark)

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Snack Time! Twiz is on cleanup duty.

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That was a good snack!

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Dad – stop tickleing me!

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Number one son/grandson!

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Out for a walk in the park!

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Giving Twiz a workout chasing tennis balls. (and Alan’s arm)

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Twiz, Alan, Tobey, and Carrie

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Alan, Tobey, and Carrie

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Gramps and Grammy with Tobey

Tobey’s first overnight in Boulder with Grammy and Gramps

On Friday November 14th and Saturday morning, Tobey stayed with Grammy and Gramps while Mom and Dad had dinner and went to a Nugget’s game. These are a few pictures to capture the event.

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I like to play!

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Do you have any veggies?

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Nice swing!

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Watch me catch it!

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Park time was fun!

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Back home with all my toys and Dad’s new Nuggets hat!

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I need to work on Dad’s face a little

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So happy to be home again Grammy!

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Saying goodby to Gramps and Grammy

Tobey Time 10/22/2003

We got to babysit Tobey again. He has grown and learned new skills since we last saw him.
We also belatedly celebrated Carries birthday.
Grammy took some great pictures and came up with the captions!

tobey visit 10/22/2003

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Let’s Play!

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Daddy’s teaching me to clap

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Eating my fish while watching a video about fish

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Grammy Got my Shirt in Paris!

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Like My play Place?

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My Pal

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Like my Hat?

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That tickles Mommy

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Meet the Queen of Gingerbread!

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Hangin with the boys

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These guys are fun!

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Do you like “it” Daddy?

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It’s Buggin Me!

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Tobey, the Future BB Star

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Beautiful Sister Ashley

Lake Tahoe – Sisters weekend

lake tahoe sisters weekend

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Appetizers in Sacramento

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Breakfast in South Lake Tahoe Dave and JoAnn

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Dave and Alex

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The sisters!

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The view from the back of our rental house in South Lake Tahoe

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Picture of where we stayed

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On the first full day we drove around the lake and stopped at this state park on the north side.
The views were incredible.

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State park
On the stump

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Muscle Beach?

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The next series of pictures are at the Ponderosa Ranch where Bonanza was set.

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The sisters at the Ponderosa

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We stopped for a Lakeside appetizer before heading for home.

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The next day we took a lunch cruise on the lake to a nearby bay.
This series of pictures are from the top boat deck. Ken and JoAnn

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Janet Alex and Dave

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A shot of the dock as we pulled away. You can see the back of Hevenly Ski area in the background.

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Janet viewing the lake

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Alex, Dave(hidden) and Janet

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Getting off the boat after a wonderful ride.

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Dave and Ken rode the Heavenly gondola to a viewing area high above the town. This is a veiw looking west.

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The intrepid gondola riders (The sisters and Alex went shopping)

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Arms length self portrait. Out on the town for the last night in Lake Tahoe.

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Saying goodbye to Lake Tahoe on our last day.

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Enjoying the views

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The end of another Sister’s weekend (with the guys)

October 5 Celebrations 2003

On October 5th we had two celebrations.
Rededication of the Marble Community Church and John and Gail’s renewal of vows
with a lot of supportive family members.

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The scalloped potatoes are in the crock pots!

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Dinner pictures the night before the vow renewals.

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Gail’s brother Paul, wife Karin, and mother Laura

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Jessica, Taylor, Tristen, and Allison (hidden)

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Allison and Tristen

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Tim, Debbie, Dave(Gramp) and Eric

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Shirley and Dave

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Mike and Sarah (Gail’s son and his girlfriend)

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Tim and Debbie

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Eric, Meridith, and Deanna

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John with all his grandchildren Meridith, Tristen, Allison, Jessica, and Taylor

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Above with Gail

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Meridith, Ken and Shirley (Gram)

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The start of the dedication ceremony was outside the new fellowship hall

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Singing outside

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Shirley giving a short Church history

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Part of the renewal group

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John and Gail renewal

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The kiss!

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The 3 couples (2 instigators and 1 instagatee)

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Tim and Deb and kids

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Dave and Shirley

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John and Gail and Dave and Shirley

Buffalo Bicycle Classic september 7, 2003

On Sunday September 7th, we rode 66 miles in the Buffalo Bicycle Classic – a benefit for
the Arts and Sciences school at the University of Colorado. We started near
Folsom Field and rode north of Boulder to near Berthod and then back to

We had a great ride! We had cloudy skies the whole way. It never rained on
us but we went on roads where it had rained fairly heavily and for those of us
with no fender or equipment mounted over the back tire – it meant we got wet
backs. Gary G said he is up for the 100 next year!

This is the group at the start of the ride. We are all looking fresh as daisies!.
Note how Janet’s helmet is a little too small for me.

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Getting sustenance at the aid station. Gary claimed most of it was for Terry!

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Where is my Bike?

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Gary is “Ready to Roll!”

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At an aid station

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Last Rest stop! (If you look to the right of the group you can see Susan pulling in)

We finished! Where is the food!
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Next 3 pictures are eating to regain our strength at the end of the ride!
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Moving to Minnesota – The next Amy and Brian adventure!

On Tuesday August 12th, the truck and trailer were rented and the loading began! The first site was in Englewood, where Amy and Brian loaded the “southern” portion of their belongings. They put Brian’s white Honda on the trailer and then drove the truck and Suburu Outback to Boulder for the second load. Helpers in the south were P. J., Alan, Helen, and of course Amy and Brian.

In Boulder, we loaded mostly items that had been in storage for the last 3 years and it filled all the lower part of the truck. We were glad when it was done. Janet and Ken joined all the other movers (except P.J.) and Carrie and Tobey supervised. After we finished loading we had a birthday celebration for Janet and a sendoff dinner for the moving couple.

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<p>Picture during loading in Boulder</p>

Picture of Amy and Brian in the back of the truck after loading was finished!

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<p>Saying Goodbye!</p>
Amy and Brian stayed overnight Tuesday night in Boulder.<br />
After a quick breakfast and a Starbuck’s run, we left about 8:30 for Concordia, KS.  A couple of things had been forgotten in Englewood, so Amy and Janet took the Suburu to pick them up, and Brian and Ken drove the truck to Limon where we met.  We had FRS radios for communication between vehicles.<br />
The truck was a 24 foot Ryder, with a full trailer for the Honda.  It was not a rig that we wanted to back up – so we mainly stopped in truck stops.  The truck used diesel fuel and could not fit by a normal auto gas pump.  We learned all about the real truck side of truck stops.  </p>
<p>We stopped for lunch in Colby and ordered more Starbucks.  We got off I-70 at Colby and started on Highway 24.  It went well until we encountered a detour at Osbourn.  At one point on the detour, we encountered another truck that had overturned.  The Highway Patrol was directing traffic single file to get around the trailer truck that was sticking out into our lane.  We got around it ok – but it was close. </p>
<p>We got to Concordia, KS just before the Ice Cream Social was about to close.  But we got some ice cream and pie as the start of our “backwards” meal.  Chuck, LeAnn, and Sam drove up from Salina and joined us on Thursday.</p>

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