GRABAAWR pre-day-3

We start the ride tomorrow.
Today we registered, got our new bright yellow T-shirts, put our bikes on the truck, and had a very long bus ride from Prairie du Chien to Eagle River. It rained off and on on the ride and for a while after we got here. Brian joined us on a later bus. He had driven from St. Paul to Prairie du Chien and then bussed north.

We ate at a restaurant called the “Hiawatha” where their featured entre was prime rib which most people ordered.
We took this picture after dinner.

after the Hiawatha dinner

Tomorrow we start our ride from Eagle River to Rhinelander. We wil go about 51 miles so it iis one of our shortest days.

GRABAAWR pre-day 2

Today we had a great breakfast at the Blair Maple Cafe. We met Mick’s gardner friend Barbara who has done a number of bike rides across Iowa and she shared some of her experiences with us. Betsy volunteered to drive the SAG wagon and prepare meals for us next time we do the GRABAAWR – but we need to give her more notice.

Blair Maple Cafe

After meeting for breakfast at 7:00am we finally got underway about 8:30am. Shortly we were in Iowa and driving through lots of cornfields. It is striking how much greener things are here than in CO. We had lunch at our favorite Deli in Waterloo after making a U-turn for old times sake. We went by back roads to get to Prairie du Chien and arrived mid afternoon. We are staying at the Quiet House Best Western. We walked to dinner at the Angus Supper Club which is .6 mile east of where we are staying.

Tomorrow we are gathering at 6:30am for breakfast and then will register for the ride, those in the SAG wagon (Robin’s Suburban) will drive to Eagle River, and the rest of us will turn our bikes in for transport to Eagle River by truck and take a bus ride to get ourselves to the start. Brian should join us for the bus ride, and Herb and Ruth will meet us in Eagle River tomorrow. I can’t upload Flickr pictures because it says it is having a massage!
more tomorrow

GRABAAWR pre-day 1

The pictures for this can be found at

Day 1 2006 GRABAAWR
We gathered in Lafayette, CO at 6:30am to head towards Wisconsin for this years GRABAAWR.
Ready to go!

We had 4 cars and 8 people. Jensen’s, Hinks, Burkley’s, Robin and me(ken). We took our first rest stop in CO just before we crossed over into NE.(Brush?) It was nice and cool and slightly overcast with periodic sprinkles. The first hard rain was as we crossed into NE. We stopped in Paxton, NE at Olie’s (sp) for an early lunch (late breakfast). The table by the African Elephant was occupied so we had to settle for a group picture by the giraffe. The weather turned warmer and drier as we headed east but was still very nice.

We split up at exit 432 on I-80 and Robin and the Burkley’s went on into Omaha to pick up Martha who had flown in from Annapolis to join us for the ride. We met up in Blair at John’s “younger” brother Mick and Gail’s house for appetizers and then headed to a “local flavor” tavern for dinner. The featured entre was catfish.

John seemed to know everyone there (or everyone there knew John) I am using a different computer than normal and it doesn’t have the camera driver for downloading my pictures – so hopefully I will be able to add them later.

Tomorrow we are meeting at the Blair Maple cafe for breakfast at 7:00am and then will be on our way to Prairie du Chien to register for the ride.

Kelli and Josh Wedding 3/20/2004 – Norfolk NE

Josh and Kelli Wedding 3/20/2004

These first pictures are at the rehearsal the night before the wedding.
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Getting Gram set for her reading

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Tobey gets to meet Kelli at the rehearsal dinner.

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The Matthews, Thomson, Switzer table

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Dave Funk and his sisters

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Great grandchildren talking with Gramp on wedding morning

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Taylor and Tristen teaching Tobey new tricks

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Amy and Brian ready for the wedding!

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Josh and JoAnn in a pre-wedding picture

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Lacey-Funk Family at the pre-wedding pictures

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JoAnn and Susie

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Josh and Kelli leaving the church – They just got married!

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Gram, Amy, Janet, Debbi, and Taylor at the reception

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Cake from Josh’s newspaper

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The big cake! It was delicious.
This was a partial selection of pictures at Josh and Kelli’s wedding weekend.

Tobey Overnight 2/7/2004

Pictures from Tobey Overnight in Boulder 2/7/2004

Tobey and Twizler stayed overnight with us again on Saturday February 7th. Alan and Carrie went to Estes Park to recharge! Tobey slept through the night and was a happy baby. His new trick (which I didn’t get a picture of) was walking behind a baby walker.

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Watching TV while riding NeNe with Grammy

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Reading a book with Gramps

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Making sure the sound is just right on the stereo

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My favorite TV watching position!

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I love to bounce up and down and make noises

Tobey and Ashley! 1/31/2004

Picture info for 1/31/2004 Tobey and Ashley
We baby sat for Tobey while Alan and Carrie had a workout at the Rec Center.
Before we left, we got to see Ashley looking beautiful in her Winter Dance dress.

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Tobey playing with flash cards!

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The whole family are Nuggets Fans!

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Tobey playing on a bug!

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Playing with Carrie! (Note the Nuggets clothing!)

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Ashley in her beautiful Winter Dance dress!

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With shoes and toenail polish to match!

Marcia visit and Tobey’s 2nd overnight in Boulder

The first set of pictures are from January 1st and 3rd. Marcia (a cousin of Janet’s and John’s)
visited us from South Carolina. The pictures are all from near or at Winter Park.

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Janet and Marcia at Hank and Kathy’s house

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Janet Marcia and John

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John and Gail

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Val, Jim, Gail, John, Kathy, and Hank

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Kathy, Gail, and John at lunch at Winter Park

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Kathy, Gail, John, and Marcia at lunch at Winter Park

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Marcia on the slopes

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Ken, Marcia, and John

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Marcia and John

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Hank, Marcia, and John

The next 2 pictures are at Alan and Carrie’s house
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Alan, Twiz, Carrie, Tobey, and Ashley

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Alan, Twiz, Carrie, Tobey, and Ashley

The next set of pictures are from Tobey’s second overnight in Boulder on Saturday January 10th 2004.
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Tobey with kneepads

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Tobey riding Ne Ne and watching a baby Einstein video with Gramps help

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Tobey crawling on Gramps back for a better view

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Grammy reading to Tobey before bedtime

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Checking out Twiz’s toy “Squiddy”

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I am very happy!

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Why are you bugging me (The scrunched up nose is a trademark)

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Snack Time! Twiz is on cleanup duty.

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That was a good snack!

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Dad – stop tickleing me!

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Number one son/grandson!

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Out for a walk in the park!

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Giving Twiz a workout chasing tennis balls. (and Alan’s arm)

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Twiz, Alan, Tobey, and Carrie

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Alan, Tobey, and Carrie

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Gramps and Grammy with Tobey

Tobey’s first overnight in Boulder with Grammy and Gramps

On Friday November 14th and Saturday morning, Tobey stayed with Grammy and Gramps while Mom and Dad had dinner and went to a Nugget’s game. These are a few pictures to capture the event.

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I like to play!

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Do you have any veggies?

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Nice swing!

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Watch me catch it!

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Park time was fun!

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Back home with all my toys and Dad’s new Nuggets hat!

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I need to work on Dad’s face a little

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So happy to be home again Grammy!

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Saying goodby to Gramps and Grammy

Tobey Time 10/22/2003

We got to babysit Tobey again. He has grown and learned new skills since we last saw him.
We also belatedly celebrated Carries birthday.
Grammy took some great pictures and came up with the captions!

tobey visit 10/22/2003

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Let’s Play!

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Daddy’s teaching me to clap

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Eating my fish while watching a video about fish

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Grammy Got my Shirt in Paris!

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Like My play Place?

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My Pal

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Like my Hat?

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That tickles Mommy

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Meet the Queen of Gingerbread!

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Hangin with the boys

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These guys are fun!

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Do you like “it” Daddy?

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It’s Buggin Me!

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Tobey, the Future BB Star

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Beautiful Sister Ashley