Bike Colorado 2011 – Day 4 Carbondale to Aspen

Bike Colorado 2011 - Day 4 Carbondale to Aspen

We have been lucky for the most part in avoiding rain. We hoped to do it once again this trip and were mostly successful. We had breakfast at the motel and then headed out to Carbondale for the start of our ride to Aspen. The bike trail from Carbondale towards Aspen is mostly on an old railroad bed. Dick decided not to ride today – but he joined us for lunch in Woody Creek. We had a great ride in very scenic areas for about 22 miles and then had lunch in Woody creek. Just as we were finiishing our lunch it started raining. After some discussion we decided to stop sriding and head back to Glenwood Springs. Dick kindly offered to take John and Rick back to the cars so they could come pick us up. However the weather was nice when they got a couple miles away from Woody Creek. S they brought back one vehicle that we could use as a sag and we proceded to ride all the way back to Carbondale in the sunlight. It sprinkled on us once – but it was of no consequence.
After showers we went to Dinner at the RIvera in Glenwood and celebrated John and Ingrid’s 44th weddinng anniversary. The food was great too!

The original plan was to drive to Grand junction tomorrow and ride in the Monument. But the thought of spending that much time in the car was not appealing. So – subject too change- we are riding to Carbondale and then to the BRB rainch on Hwy 133 and then back. For those that want to ride some more they can ride the canyon. Stay tuned to see what we actually do.

Bile Colorado 2011 – Day 3

We had planned to start Day 3 at the top of Vail Pass and ride to Glenwood Springs. When we got to the top of Vail Pass it was 39 degrees and raining. So we went on down to East Vail where it was warmer and not raining (that hard) while we got ready to start. As soon as we began it started raining again. We almost made it through Vail Village and Rick had a flat. Some of the “wet Vail” pictures were taken at that time. Near Minturn his new tube needed some more air. We continued on to Avon in the rain and after riding only 15 miles decided we weren’t having much fun yet and decided to break for lunch in Avon. Gary had an afternoon meeting in Boulder so John took him back to his car after lunch. We weighed our options since the weather didn’t look much better and decided to drive to Glenwood Springs and ride up Glenwood Canyon from our motel. We did that in sunshine and warm weather and got in another 17 miles. We would have done more but the canyon bike path was closed at the Shoshone Power plant for repairs from last springs flooding. It was a good day overall.
We were joined by Patti and Robin, and Dick and JoAnn for dinner at the Italian Underground. It took a while to get a table for 9 people – but it was great food. I didn’t do a very good job of getting pictures – but I did get some.
Tomorrow the plan is to ride from Carbondale to Aspen. It is also supposed to rain. So – Stay tuned.

Bike Colorado 2011 – Day 2

Day 2 started with us nervous about the weather. We considered several options and decided to drive to Frisco and ride from there up to Vail Pass. We were joined by Gary who drove up from Boulder this morning and then rode with us all day today. It was again a bit nippy at the start, but we powered on and got to Copper Mountain where it looked like rain and so we went back from Union Creek to the Village and waited out the little bit of rain that fell and then getting more blue sky we climbed up to Vail Pass. The total distance we rode was less than yesterday but we climbed more. We quickly zoomed back down to Copper Mountain – had lunch then down to Frisco – the cars, and back to the condo in Keystone and too the hot tub for some relaxation and removing some of the kinks from all the climbing. We found a coupon for 2 for 1 dinners at a local restaurant and really enjoyed our meal.

Tomorrow we will be joined by Patti and Robin and we will have dinner with DIck and JoAnn in Glenwood Springs. The ride tomorrow ill be complicated since there is a closure of the bike path for about 3 miles in Glenwood canyon, and not all the rest areas have exits/entrances to/from the Interstate – but we thing we have figured out a strategy. Gary has to go back to Boulder tomorrow and will only do part of the ride from the top of Vail Pass to Glenwood Springs. We will also be bringing our vehicles along with us by taking turns driving 10 miles and then riding back to meet the group. We have doged all rainstorms so far and the forecast for tomorrow is 60%. So our plans may change depending on the weather. Will keep you posted!

Bike Colorado 2011

We had originally planned to be riding down the roads along the Mississippi, starting in Minneapolis, MN, but one of our group had a medical procedure which precludes him from riding – so we regrouped and are taking a shorter trip in Colorado. Today we started out by driving from Boulder at 8:00am and parking at the east side of Swan Mountain, then riding over Swan, having lunch in Breckenridge, then riding back to Frisco, across the Dillon Dam and then back towards Keystone where our cars were parked. All told we rode around 33 miles – not bad for a first day at altitude.

It was warm and sunny when we got gas in Silverthorn, but it was nippy when we parked and started our ride. We are staying in a nice condo in Keystone. We are John, Ingrid, Rick, Janelle, and Ken. We had dinner in Dillon tonight at a restaraunt called Adriano’s. They specialize in pizza and Northern Italian cooking. Our ride tomorrow will be weather depenndent. It is suppsed to rain and be colder than today. Will keep you posted.

Steamboat 2010 – Day 8

Steamboat 2010 – Day 8
This was our last day of riding. Early this am – John drove Mick
and Tom to the airport for their several day trip back to Nebraska. John also picked up Robin who had taken his car back to be repaired.
John and Robin had first breakfast at the Shack on the way back.

After lots of discussion we decided
to ride into Steamboat for breakfast at Winona’s and then ride to
the Red Schoolhouse south of town. Winona’s was too busy so we
switched to the Shack – but otherwise we stuck to our plan. We
talked with several people along the way and found some great
ideas for other rides in the future. Rick and Jannelle (since Rick
couldn’t ride) went exploring in their truck and found some more
great ideas for the future. After reaching our goal – we rode
back into town and had a light lunch at the Boat House. We were
met there by most people who didn’t/couldn’t ride. Afterwards,
Robin picked up his Suburban (which was being
repaired) Nick turned in his rental bike, and the rest of us who
had ridden earlier rode back to the house. Many of us caught up on
the status of the Tour de France and or talked until dinner time.
Dinner was at a very nice restaurant called the Cottonwood Grill.
Our food and service was excellent and was a fun way to end our
week. Nick made up appropriate horse names for each of us that he
will email me and I will journal.
Tomorrow we will bid Steamboat goodbye and head back to Boulder.
Hope you have enjoyed our journey as much as we have.
After Dinner

Steamboat 2010 – Day 7

Steamboat 2010 – Day 7
Today was another day of mixed activities. John and Rick
switched to Mountain Biking on the ski mountain. They rode
the gondola up and took singletrack rides down. Rick fell
on some soft gravel not going very fast but hurt his leg and
will not be riding tomorrow. They were having a great time
until then.

Some of the rest of us did our favorite 20 Mile ride and then
lunch at the Creekside restaurant. Later Nick, Mick, and Tom
(a friend of Mick’s) played 18 holes of golf. Some others went
shopping and had a good time helping the economy.
Everyone met for dinner at Sweetwater Grill (a new restaurant
in Steamboat) and a good time was had by all.
Mick leaves tomorrow to go back to Nebraska for a while.
Robin needs to drop off his car for repair and so we are
meeting for breakfast and then riding to the Red Schoolhouse.
(all future events are subject to change.)

20 Mile Road Day 7

Steamboat 2010 – Day 6

Steamboat 2010 – Clark to Steamboat Lake and back.
Today Jake and Nick went fishing again (and caught and
released some beautiful fish (will post pictures soon)
Robin and I took them to breakfast at the Shack (also
known as the Maple West (from the Blair, NE Maple)
Most of the rest of us packed up our bikes and drove
to Clark (because of a very narrow shoulder on the road
from Steamboat to Clark) The first 3.5 miles of the route
was a steady climb and seemed to take forever. The rest
of the ride was very nice and beautiful. Steamboat Lake
at the end of where we rode. We then reversed our
route and had lunch in Clark. Six of us went to the Strawberry
Park Hot Springs in the PM. Some of us had massages and
others just enjoyed the different temperature pools.
Others just hung out for the afternoon.

For dinner tonight we oredered Pizza and made a garden
salad. We started out eating outside but a quick evening
thunderstorm (with Lightning) forced us to scramble inside the
house to get out of the rain. The sunset afterwords was absolutely

Tomorrow some of us are going to do 20 mile again and others are
riding the gondola up to the top of Steamboat ski area and riding
mountain bikes back down.
Clark to Hahns Peak start- Day 6

Steamboat 2010 – Day 5

Steamboat 2010 – Day 5
Yesterday we had a wonderful dinner at the Ore House
in Steamboat. Great food on an early bird menu. We monitored
the Tour de France in the afternoon and had empathy for Lance.

Today Nick, Mick, and Robin went fly fishing on the Yampa with
a guide. Some people went shopping and checked out the logistics
for tubing in the afternoon, and some of us who had not yet been
to the mythical red schoolhouse rode there (and Ingrid for a 2nd
time). After a great lunch at the Boat House restaurant 6 of us
rented inner-tubes and floated down the Yampa river for about
45 minutes. It was fun in spite of a few sprinkles and thunder
but no visible lightning. For dinner we went to a nice Italian restaurant
called Giovanni’s Ristorante.
Tomorrow we are driving to Clark with our bikes and starting our ride
from there. Mick and Nick are fishing again in the am, and several
of us are going to the Strawberry Park Hot Springs.
Stay tuned!
Proof it exists

Steamboat 2010 – Day 4

We did the 20 mile ride again this morning and then had
brunch at the Creekside Cafe in Steamboat afterwards.
(see pictures on flickr) after brunch Ingrid and Rick went
to the mythical Red Schoolhouse (another 25 miles) but the
rest either went to the house or to the bike shop to get some
adjustments on their bikes. The weather has been great with
scattered clouds to help mitigate the heat and only short
sprinkles so far. It has been a little chilly in the shade when
we start in the morning – but fine in the sun.
Creekside lunch

Steamboat 2010 Day 3

After watching the balloons launch again this morning we breakfasted and headed for the wooden bridge over the Yampa and turned south on Highway 14. We originally were planning to go to the Red Schoolhouse and back which would have been a 25 mile ride. But once we got out on the road we decided to go by Stagecoach Reservoir and then on to Oak Creek for lunch. We were joined there by Janet, Patti, Gail and by the new arrivals Nick and Martha who were delayed by a family wedding and will join us on our bike rides. Mick and Janelle rode back with the car and missed the last 20 miles. So it was a total of 44 miles of riding today with some good climbs and no gravel roads. The ride back up to the house seems to get harder with each day – not sure why. Tomorrow we have a two segment ride planned but since we seem to change the plans while in progress – I will say more tomorrow.
For dinner tonight we ordered takeout BBQ ribs and chicken with all the fixins – delish.
Beautiful sunset tonight and we were entertained at dinner by a young raccoon raiding the bird feeder.

Highway 14 Day 3